Ethnic Policing Forum provides a link for marginalised community residents to engage with Community GardaĆ­ on matters of crime, citizenship, policing and more. Through the trust established alongside the Acts of Compassion Ministries leader,  Bishop Amos Ngugi, will  normally positively engage with Actions 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 of the NEIC Strategic Plan  by providing a safe and dynamic space for minority ethnic community members to play their own part in developing a safe place for the broader community. Without the support of the Ethnic Policing Forum community inputs and feedback will be dominated by White-Irish voices in such a way that will be detrimental to the overall impact and development of the Community Policing Plan and other activities. 

The Ethnic Policing Forum is a service provided by  Acts of Compassion Ministries-Voice of New Communities Drugs &Alcohol Network ,also  it is founded and supported by Acts of Compassion Ministries.